Ask and ye shall receive
I guess when you ask for no bullshit, thats what you get. Like it or not.
Today has been spent doing hours upon hours of monotonous internet research for my internship at TITAN Magazine. If I hadnt taken this stupid internship I could be SLEEPING or SHOPPING or out ENJOYING my beautiful city! Curse this wretched opportunity! I talked to Solie today and we really have come to accept that there is no such thing as a perfect guy or even a GREAT guy! There are RICH guys, GOOD guys, and OK guys. No matter which one you choose there is ALWAYS going to be something wrong, and your goal is to find one who has the most bearable faults and once you do you pretty much have to hold on to him because its never going to get any better lol. Its funny how we can spend hours talking about how stupid boys are and how they all have 'life issues' (-soso lol) and even after we have talked ourselves half to death they are still going to be just as stupid and pointless as they were to begin with! This is why I'm glad to be single right now. Even talking to someone takes a whole lot of effort and unintentional emotions and the possibility of hurt feelings. And for what? Whats the effin point, may i ask?! lol Oh man, mi vida duele and I feel silly right now.
I really wish I was a little kid again. Laron and Soso laughed when I told them this but I really just wanna be able to run around and scream for no real reason and get my clothes all messy and dirty and eat weird things because thats the cool thing to do. I miss being a kid sooo much! Soon it'll be me saying how much I wish I was a teenager and how much I miss college. How quickly time moves.
Feeling a bit clueless..

It's yours for the taking, watch what you do with it.
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