"Theres Nothing New to Say About Mascara..."

I am so perfect, so divine, so etheral, so surreal, I cannot be comprehended except by my permission -nikki g.

Monday, September 25, 2006

"Sometimes we're idle and sometimes we're wild..."

It is the time when my mind sits idle that scares me the most. Those are the times when my vision becomes blurred and a myriad of thoughts that I neglect to address during my state of full consciousness and awareness perform a hostile take-over on my brain and I am forced to confront my most repressed feelings and fears. I hate nothing more than my idle mind.

I wrote a letter and gave it to him on thursday. I meant it as a means of achieving closure. I told him exactly how I felt and how I feel presently. I dont intend for it to achieve anything in particular or anything at all, for that matter. I dont even expect a response, however I still felt it very necessary. Im still sad, and despite that I can still forgive him. I dont know why or how I can really find it in me to forgive him, then again, "Forgiveness is the final form of love" -Reinhold Niebhur.

Im exhausted and sad. "I was a daisy fresh girl and look what you've done to me" -Lolita


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