"When women are moved and lend help, when women, who are by nature calm and controlled, give encouragement and applause, when virtuous and knowledgeable women grace the endeavor with their sweet love, then it is invincible" -josé martÃ
Right now I feel like I have a lot on my mind and a lot on my heart and I just feel like writing until it all comes out. This wont make sense to anyone but myself...
I've been thinking lately and I have come to realize that I am a very special woman that can only love and be loved by a very special man. I require a strong man that knows himself and that is not insecure in his endeavors. I require a man that is also secure in himself, in his passion, in his person, and in his heart. I require a man that is a thinker and that is both dominating yet sensitive and recessive at times. I require a man that will make me laugh. I want him to be able to see me at my weakest and never be disenchanted by my struggles. I am a woman who requires a man that is willing to love unconditionally. I am a woman who is loyal and kind and giving. I am a woman who does not require much, though I desire a man who will allow me to spoil him. I am a woman with a huge heart and an open mind. I apreciate the small things in life, and I want a man who can appreciate the same. I am not pretty, I have a big ass and small boobs, I feel sexiest in cotton boy shorts and I dont like to wear a bra, I dont own slinky lingerie, and in all honestly I hate wearing makeup. I love wearing sweats, and I dont know how to cook. I like going out with my friends, I drink on the weekends, and sometimes I smoke. I am an overachiever where it counts, and I am anal. I laugh at my own jokes and have a cynical sense of humor. Stupid things amuse me, and I dont care what other people think about me. I dont eat cheese, I love sleeping in, I like eating out, and spending money comes easy to me. I am understanding, kind, generous, and if you are willing to love me I will love you to the ends of the earth. With all of my quirks and faults, I would like to find a special man to love and adore each and every one of them. I seek perfection that only the unperfect and a little twisted can achieve.
I think right now Im stuck in a place wedged between sad and happy. I feel like I should be happy because its the beginning of a new school year, I have an amazing group of friends, i am on the right track to success, my job is going well, and I am having fun. But sometimes my mind becomes clouded with negativity and I cant seem to do anything but cry.
A drug addict doesnt earn himself the right to a testament until after a significant amount of time has passed without using/desiring his drug of choice. I suppose for all intensive purpose a "significant" amount of time is anything over a month. You are my drug and up until this point I have been more than addicted. I suppose 4 days doesnt count as significant time enough to earn myself the right to a true testament?? Especially since the mental, physical, emotional desire for my drug is still there and seemingly relentless. This addiction supersedes the physical and has become increasingly mental/emotional. This battle will be a hard one, but it is for my own good for I have suffered for far too long. I suppose some progress is better than none.
The idea of friendship and loyalty is something that has rested heavy on my heart lately. I am a loyal person. If you are my friend I will be there for you always, no matter what. I would like to know that my friends are willing to do the same. It is a sad and hurtful thing to realize that a lot of people are simply not willing to make the sacrifice for the sake of friendship.
I am bringing the dramatics to an end. Curtains are closing and the stars of the show are taking a bow. I would like to thank the cast and crew members, you all have played an integral role in the success of this performance. I love you.